Hello! My name is Aaron and I am a Christian male from New England. I'm easy to talk to and I love helping people. Don't be afraid to send me a message about anything. I love meeting new people :) I enjoy following New England sports, especially the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. I also love playing around with computers and seeing what makes them work. When it comes to video games, I like playing any console by Nintendo (so right now I am enjoying the Wii and DS). I'm a PC gamer at heart, but I don't have the ability to game on my PC at the moment -_- Lastly, I really love listening to music. Just take a look at my Last.fm profile ;D
Add me to any of the accounts below if you'd like. Make sure to send me a message so I know who you are or how you found me, especially on Facebook, so I know what's up. You can also email me at this address. I only have a few accounts here at the moment, but I'll add some more a little later. Account icons and the templates to make my own are courtesy of IconDock.